lost all faith in humans...
We have this organization here at school called the Student oceanographic Society (SOS). The purpose of this organization is to help the students. When new students come down to visit or move here SOS gathers apartment listings and gives them other helpful information like that. SOS also gives mock quals as a practice for the actual qualifying exam. They also do different social gatherings (like a bonfire) to get the students and sometimes faculty a chance to socialize and what not. So the main purpose of this is to help out the students... this sounds like a wonderful idea, and well it used to be like this and it was good. But last year and this year not so much. Last year all SOS did was throw a bonfire and do mock quals. So my $20 dollar dues went to buy beer that I don't drink (who the hell buys bud light??), hotdogs and hamburgers (Yet again don't eat)... Any other time SOS donated money to something (such as the Halloween party) I always cooked or baked something and spend way more than SOS would usually donate. So this semester comes around and I decide to not pay dues for SOS, why... Whets the point... And apparently some others decided to do the same, so the new SOS officers decided to say something about how if you don't pay your dues then you wont be apart of the organization or what not... So cool that's fine with me no biggie, so if they do something I wont drink there beer or eat there food that's fine with me....
so one of the "new" students who came spring semester last year, has is qualifying exam the end of January, so SOS is going to do there mock qual the 16th of January. So as of now, the sign up sheet has been up for a month I am the only one who has signed up for the mock qual, me the one non-paying member of SOS... I find that funny... Most of the people in SOS will jump at the chance to do a bonfire and drink, but when it actually comes down to helping students, none of them are too eager. And this sort of shit happens all of the time...
yesterday SOS had a meeting, in which I did not attend, the last one just ended up being people I don't like talking shit, so I figured this one would be about the same, and I really didn't want to waste my time when I have so many better things to do... So I have come to find out that those in charge have taken a turn for the worst. One of the students here working on a masters is on his forth year... He has had funding cuts, projects changed and currently is just finishing up his writing and analysis, and is fully being funded by student grants and his folks. He is one of the ones who was here when SOS was actually about helping the students, so at the meetings he usually tries to remind the new folks in charge what the real purpose of SOS is, to help students not to party (although the occasional party is cool)... So, (sorry I am using so a lot ), apparently at this last meeting he did as he always does and tried to bring it back back the focus of the meeting, and was then berated and insulted by those in charge and those at the meeting. Since they did not like what he had to say, they decided to give him a hard time about being here so long... And that he should be done and what not (mind you their words were worse and much more mean from what he said)... Who the hell are these people to berate someone like that. They are either new students who really don't know much about how things work here yet, students who came in with me who have nothing to do but their own research (there advisor doesn't have work for them to do so they don't do anything), or students who are going on three years and do not even have their prospectus approved... WTF!! Who the hell are any of these people to come down on this guy, who is an extremely nice guy, he can be opinionated from time to time, but he knows what he is talking about and they would benefit from listening to him...
So this just pissed me off even more... So IM gone help with mock qualifiers and anytime anyone needs any help... But other than that im done I just don't give a shit anymore, if this is the way things are going to be handled im done... I have much better things to do with my time than to deal with their childish petty behavior and problems.
I really did not expect grad school to be a regression back to high school, or worse, junior high. Fucking ridiculous
You tell 'em to suck it!
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