To Chirs...
(for those who do not know who chris is, read the comments posted for the previous blog)
So, I see that you have taken to reading my blog... In case you were not aware, this is my blog, this is where I vent, complain, bitch, get out initial reactions so things can be contemplated without strong emotion, and keep some old friends and new friends up to date on what is going on in my life... So of course it is about me! That is sort of the point, a blog about me... So you supposedly do not know me, so apparently I am such a horrible selfish person, however you are amused enough to read my entire blog... So I cant be that horrible or why would you continue to read? Seeing as how you do not know me, you would not know that I have never been one to jump from relationship to relationship in order to justify my existence. There was a long period in my life where I didn't really see anyone, just me, and well I am very much ok with myself and do not need the justification of a relationship (as you say I do).
So, about the part where you say that John was just using me because I was easy... If you are going to use someone why not choose someone much closer! 9 hours is a long ways to go to use someone. If he had just been using me then I doubt he would have traveled all this way to come and see me, and why would he invite his parents to come down for thanksgiving so they could meet me? And then while the parents were down, why would he have me join him and his folks to go visit his grandmother in the nursing home?? That does not sound like the actions of someone who would just be using me...
So you say that you do not know me and that "I'm not influenced by any emotional bonds"... However your words are extremely emotional and sound as if they are coming from some deep dark hatred for someone or something... It sounds as if you have been hurt in the past. For someone who does not know me, you put in a lot of time with those comments... And honestly it makes me wonder...
So if reading my blog and then making an attempt to belittle me makes you feel better, then well I am glad you feel better. However I would appreciate that in the future, if you feel the need to vent and belittle please do not do it in my comments section, instead why not start your own blog to deal with your problems and emotions.
You obviously need to let some of that built up emotions out... So give it a try... Venting to friends and strangers is quite helpful, and unlike you I promise not to consider you being selfish because you talk mostly about yourself....
So cheers Chris, and I hope your life is filled with less hatred and resentment in the future...
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