
California -- tourist type pics

My brother Art

This is the peer at my brothers house in Ocean Beach, the red arrow points to his apartment building

this is a vew from the parking lot at Scripps

Random Jelly fish on the beach. . . Maggie are you studying this one too?? i have learned that the last pic of a jelly i posted is the one you are studying. :)

Scripp's pier

random pic


JIK said...

i will repost them tomorrow at school :)

Maggie said...

No, I'm only studying Chrysaora quinquecirrha, though the most recent pic looks like it may be a related species, maybe even the same genus. There is supposedly a very common Chrysaora sp. out there. (sorry for all the dork talk, I just can't help it).

JIK said...

thats ok, im a dork to. . . i would have done the same thing:)