

Today was a nice lazy day, I decided I should take a lazy day before school starts up (Tuesday). And since I spent all day yesterday at school and I will spend all day tomorrow at school, I figured today I would not do anything to productive. So, I went over to Ingrid's to watch Sex and the City. She has not seen them before, and I have the season on DVD. We kicked out her husband and son and watched two DVD's from season two. Ingrid is from Columbia (the country) and her primary language is Spanish, so while watching Sex and the City there are inevitable words that are used which she does not know... Two of the new words she learned today were "boner" and "strap-on". Now explaining "strap-on" was a bit of a challenge but I did manage non-the less, but it was interesting to see her expression as I explained it. It is now time for me to curl up on the couch and watch TV or a movie until I fall asleep. Ahh... gotta love those lazy days, if only John were here to curl up with me...

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