
Lonely ;(

Being so far away from John is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Especially this semester, since I am a Ta and taking more classes, I can't just drive down there for the weekend, or it is a lot harder to do so. So that is very hard, not knowing when I am going to see him again. Since, he is going to be deploying sometime next month its even harder because he is working insane hours. So it is very hard to get a hold of him. Lately all I get is the occasionally hey whats up on Yahoo messenger and a few min of conversation. And occasionally (however, not lately) I might get a few minute phone call before he goes to bed, and I haven't even gotten that lately :(... And I know I am gonna have to get used to this because when he is deployed, who knows when I will be able to talk to him or hear from him, and who knows how often :(..... I know I signed up for his, but still it sucks!! I just want to be with him in the same room, but right now that is not an option :(. All I know is that the next few months, now till whenever he gets back (June I think) is really really gonna suck!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I apologize now for all my mopeing and bitching and complaining, but I am sure there will be quite a lot of it.

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