(yes i stole this pic from some random website)
I made the mistake of channel surfing a stumbled upon this new show that MTV has created. It is called my own. Basically you tell MTV what star you want to date, and they find a bunch of people who resemble them in some way, either looks, talent... whatever... so then they compete to date you, by trying to act like the famous person you want to date. So basically they are saying in order to get a date, you must pretend to be someone else. I was totally appalled. And to make matters worse, the episode I saw was a bunch of girls trying to pretend to be Ashley Simpson for some skinny ass dorky guy. None of the girls could sing either, not like Ashley can sing, but she is better than these girls competing, wow! Unfortunately these shows give teens the impression that this is actually a way to meet someone and proper behavior :(....
If you think that's bad, have you seen
I stumbled upon the Jessica Simpson episode. There were a bunch of slightly chubby bleach blonds stuffed into way too small clothes acting like they didn't know where they were. It was awful.
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