
Roof Adventures

So needless to say, the roofs of the buildings at school were hurt during Katrina. The lab building had a hole put in the roof, we now refer to it as the designer sky lite as it is blue from the tarp and casts a pretty blue light on everything. The office building had alot of leaking on the one side, a bunch of offices had to be relocated, such as that of my advisor (she now lives in a hallway). So A few months ago the roof crew arrived, mind you this was after the offices were aready being re-drywalled and carpeted. They started working, and it seemed to us like it was taking quite some time. So then the roof was on its way being replace, and we had some huge rain storms... needless to say there was flooding, however it was in the old places plus a lot of new places, my advisors hallway office began to flood a bit :(... anyway, we figured this was because they were in the process of fixing the roof. WRONG... apparently the roof system is a two coat process, they were putting on the final coat... the first coat should be enough protection, the second one is just to make it last longer. So now the roof is "done", there are already 37 repairs and thats been within the last two weeks... Since we are located on a NASA run base, NASA is basically our land lord, and well NASA does not like the roof. Now what this means exactly hasnt been filtered down to my level yet? does the roof just get re-done or are they gonna put on a completley different roof? we dont know... Mind you the roof is flat, and that is just dumb for an area that gets tons of rain... So the old crew was fired, and a new one was hired... currently they are just patching things up... I am not looking forward for more banging and pounding on the roof above :(... It is quite distrubing and can scare you and it tends to sound as if some big old construction worker is going to fall through the roof at any minute, not good for productivity :(... Oh well, we will see what happens now...


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.