
What not to do

Things I learned at a party Saturday night.

1. Do not refer to the Navy guys as "squid", yes it is ok when John and Steve (army boys) say it, but do not say to actual Navy guy's face, especially if John and Steve are not there to back you up :)

2. Do not inform someone from Ohio about the suckeyness of Ohio, I blame Amanda for my negative view of Ohio. The Ohioin did admit that the southern parts of Ohio do suck, and apparently he was from the northern part? Whatever, Ohio sucks!

3. Do piss off fellow student whom you can not stand, by befriending and talking to all the guys of similar age, especially when fellow student whom you can not stand is having trouble finding a guy to date, and guys tend to not talk to her. This is especially effective if you actually have a boyfriend, and are just talking to the guys. Green eyes of jealousy were very apparent!

4. Don't refer to someone's "new friend" who is basically a boyfriend, but not officially a boyfriend, as "her boyfriend", instead "her boytoy" is much more acceptable.

5. Do not start doing JD shots at about 2:30am after all ready having drank too much JD and vodka. You will wake up the next day at around noon still really really drunk!!!

6. Do prove to the navy guy aka "squid" that you can hold your own by going shot for shot with him at 2:30 in the morning, and out drinking him. Apparently JD is "just not his drink", yah yah thats a load of crap!!!!

7. Do stay and help clean up cups and put those really really drunk to bed. Definitely guarantees an invite to the next party.

8. Do have someone drive you home after having done way to many JD shots at 2:30 in the morning.

9. Do watch really funny ballywood movie with friend the next day when hungover. The stupidity of the plot and the funny dancing will cheer anyone up :).


Global Warming


"'Intelligent Design' Poses Continued Threat to Science"


Lonely ;(

Being so far away from John is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Especially this semester, since I am a Ta and taking more classes, I can't just drive down there for the weekend, or it is a lot harder to do so. So that is very hard, not knowing when I am going to see him again. Since, he is going to be deploying sometime next month its even harder because he is working insane hours. So it is very hard to get a hold of him. Lately all I get is the occasionally hey whats up on Yahoo messenger and a few min of conversation. And occasionally (however, not lately) I might get a few minute phone call before he goes to bed, and I haven't even gotten that lately :(... And I know I am gonna have to get used to this because when he is deployed, who knows when I will be able to talk to him or hear from him, and who knows how often :(..... I know I signed up for his, but still it sucks!! I just want to be with him in the same room, but right now that is not an option :(. All I know is that the next few months, now till whenever he gets back (June I think) is really really gonna suck!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I apologize now for all my mopeing and bitching and complaining, but I am sure there will be quite a lot of it.



(yes i stole this pic from some random website)

I made the mistake of channel surfing a stumbled upon this new show that MTV has created. It is called my own. Basically you tell MTV what star you want to date, and they find a bunch of people who resemble them in some way, either looks, talent... whatever... so then they compete to date you, by trying to act like the famous person you want to date. So basically they are saying in order to get a date, you must pretend to be someone else. I was totally appalled. And to make matters worse, the episode I saw was a bunch of girls trying to pretend to be Ashley Simpson for some skinny ass dorky guy. None of the girls could sing either, not like Ashley can sing, but she is better than these girls competing, wow! Unfortunately these shows give teens the impression that this is actually a way to meet someone and proper behavior :(....



So, I started going to the gym again, in the mornings before school, and then at night doing either a little yoga or at least some ab exercises. I am quite unhappy with my midsection, so I am trying to get rid of that. However, the downside to that is now my appetite is insatiable! I am now always hungry and I can not stay full for long :(... So it feels as if my stomach is betraying me and trying to negate the exercise :(... Stupid tummy :(



Just some random pics of DC from when John and I spent the day up there before new years.



for those of you who do not know the greatness that is FOAMY

they are all pretty funny, but "small, medium, large", "TECH SUPPORT II", and any of either foamy's or hatters rants are my favs:)


no sleep for the weary

so im not sleeping again, and I dont know why. I have tried everything, warm milk, having a beer before bed, excersizing before bed, reading a book, watching a movie (which i can normally fall asleep to), etc.... this no sleep is starting to catch up with me, I had been good, cut back the amount of soda I have been drinking, but now just to function through the day I am drinking them like a mad woman. Now, its not that I can not sleep, I end up falling asleep, approximately an hour or so before I need to get up. Now i can function on a small amount of sleep fairly well, but by small I mean 4 hours or so, not an hour ever night. I need more than that. So, if I change my alarm set it back a little, then either I will be missing class or I will be getting to school the same time as everyone else, and I wont get as much done. The most productive times at school are early, before everyone arrives, or late, after everyone leaves. Inbetween those times nothing at all gets done.... Oh well, eventually I will get so warn out that I just pass out... hopefully that doesnt happen on a school day, i dont have that time to spare


Stupid target

So I wonder into target today, normally one of my favorite places. Up until this point in time, the day was going really really well, had a good class this morning, got a lot of stuff done, got some packages in the mail... So everything was great. So I walk through the automatic doors of the Target and wham.... baithing-suits in my face.... Apparently it is bathing suit season again. I used to have two baithing suits that I loved, they fit me well, made the parts I like look better, and sort of drew attention away from the parts I don't like. They also were the type of two-piece that I could run and swim in and they wouldn't move.... Aha what great baithing suits, but alas Katrina. It takes a lot of time and effort to find a suit that fits well that you actually feel comfortable wearing, this is not an endeavor that I am looking forward to facing again :(.... I do have to admit that Target did have some nice suits, but I do not thing I am currently in the emotional state to do that to myself and try on baithing suits, so I leave that for another day.... But it still killed my day :(... Stupid fucking self-conciousness



Today was a nice lazy day, I decided I should take a lazy day before school starts up (Tuesday). And since I spent all day yesterday at school and I will spend all day tomorrow at school, I figured today I would not do anything to productive. So, I went over to Ingrid's to watch Sex and the City. She has not seen them before, and I have the season on DVD. We kicked out her husband and son and watched two DVD's from season two. Ingrid is from Columbia (the country) and her primary language is Spanish, so while watching Sex and the City there are inevitable words that are used which she does not know... Two of the new words she learned today were "boner" and "strap-on". Now explaining "strap-on" was a bit of a challenge but I did manage non-the less, but it was interesting to see her expression as I explained it. It is now time for me to curl up on the couch and watch TV or a movie until I fall asleep. Ahh... gotta love those lazy days, if only John were here to curl up with me...


never leave Virginia???

so i joined facebook the other day, mainly just to see who from high school I could find. Most of the people that I went to high school with I dont talk to or see since I left the state to go to undergrad, and most everyone I know from high school remained in-state. I have found a bunch of old aquaintences (some i would consider old friends, but most are just people I went to school with), and in an attept to procrastinate today, i looked at some of their pages and pics and what not. And to my amazement, most of them still hang out with the same people from high school. Same clicks, still dating with-in the same pool, its very very odd. Especially since I am from a small town, the dating pool was very small... but yet they still remain in the same groups. I personally went to undergrad at coastal, because I wanted to go somewhere where I didn't know anyone, and expand my social pool. And because of that I have made some great friends, had some great experiences and great oppertunities. Sort of makes me wonder what would have happened had I gone to school in virginia like everyone else did.... Would I be interested in the same things I am now, would John and I manage to find each other and start dating??? Who knows, I am glad I didnt stay back in Virginia like everybody else did, but it is amusing to thing about what might have been... it makes good use of time when procrastinating.



well today is another unproductive day. I have so many things to do but i just cant find the energy to do any of them. I am at school, but im just poking around on the internet and downloading/listening to music. I tried a caffeen jolt, I have been trying not to drink as much soda, and as of now it hasnt worked. However there was Dr. Pepper in the machine, which is a rarety so that was a good thing :).

When i went to make my lunch today, Bridge one of the Admin Assis was in the breakroom. And yet again I am "waisting away", which I hate being told, because I totally do not agree with that. I must have been really fat or something, I dont know... all I know is that I dont feel skinny, the opposite rather I fell quite out of shape especially since I havent been going to the gym or eating healthy, well not since Katrina. I swear if one more person tells me about how skinny I am or about how much weight I've lost, I am just gonna stop eating all together and show them what skinny really is. All right, I couldnt do that, I like food to much. But anyway. Starting next week with classes, I am going back to the gym and getting, what I consider to be, my fat ass back into shape.

Tonight promises to be shitty. We have a student liaison meeting today. Yeagar, the new sedimentologist is the intermediate between us and faculty. If we have any issues we tell him and he lets faculty know, without particulares about who said and what not. If the faculty have responses or issues as well, he lets us know. So that part is good. But it ends up being most of the student body, which I can not stand, whining and complaining abut abunch of crap that is not worth complaining about. So it ends up being quite anoying and I leave pissed off and with a headacke. So, I have tylenol ready for this one. The only reason I am going is because of Yeager, he is on my committee, and coulp possibly be future PHD prof, well see but he has mentioned me becoming his student.... so thats why I go, and hes a pretty cool guy. Its at buffalo wild wings, so atleast there will be beer to dull the pain....



So i am taking this class this semester called "physical properties of marine and estuarine fine-grained sediments". The class is being taught because i wanted to take it (it pays to be Charlottes only student), and it is being taught by one of the retired professors (Richard), so its a big deal that he is teaching it to me. And i am totally excited about taking it. So i go to tell him the schedule for the estuaries class and the class im the ta for so we can figure out when we are going to meet. So we talk about that, and apparently he has a friend from NRL who might take the class as well. So he was telling me about this guy, apparently a total nerd, he went on his first oceanagraphic cruze the other day and was all excited because he read this book about nuclear physics while on the cruze. I find this funny and so does Richard, Richard was like who "takes that kind of reading on a cruse, most people take playboy or something along those lines". So then we end up talking about playboy articles.... So there we were a retired professor and a graduate student talking about playboy -- gotta love the randomness

im back

hey all, i am back in Mississippi, although i would rather be elsewhere. But anyway my holiday was good, saw friends and family, family drove me crazy as they should and John and I got back together... So, all in all it was a good holiday. Went to Atlanta, King George Virginia, DC and Tampa, so a good old fasion traveling holiday. John and I took some pics in DC, and once he sends them to me I will put some of them up.. but that wont be for a little while since he is "in the field" training. So anyway ill post more later...