so one exam is over and done with... only eded up being 18 pages typed... WOO HOO that was for my estuaries class, a mix of geology, chemistry, biology and physics. The exam wasn't all too bad, except for the one quesiton about how zooplankton distribute/partition food between life stages and species. We didn't learn anything about this, i re-read all the notes and all the papers and couldnt find anything about it.... couldnt find any articles on it either. so i found some articles that were somewhat related and sort of BSed my way through it... but its ok, not knowing one out of 9 questions really isnt that bad... and i did put some stuff so hopefully ill get atleast a few points on it...
so now it is time to study for exam number two Fine grained sediments, which i found out monday morning is not gonna be entirely take home. the first part, tomorrow afternoon is a written essay type, and then i am going to be given a take home part, which is a proposal for funding, relating to fine grained seds... or so i think... and i am going to have to evalueate it and determine if it should be funded or not... point out any flaws mistakes error in kowledge stuff like that... so i am not so worried about that part, but i am worried about the in class portion
i just found out monday, and i havent had time to study because i had to finnish up my estuaries final AHHHHHHHHHHHHh................... the semester is almost over, all will be ok... or well thats what i keep telling myself
Only 18 pages? I'm disappointed in your effort.
sorry typing error -- only 28 pages
That's more like it ;)
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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