
Jazz Fest

I am so excited, I am going to jazz fest this Friday, Ani Difranco, Cowboy mouth and Bob Dylan are the main people I am going to see :)... So I am stoked, and my birthday is Sunday so it should be a great weekend. :) and then the following Saturday I am gonna try to go again to Jazz fest, Buffet is playing and amanda is going, so i think I will try to go then, so i can hang out with her and what not :)...... YAY.... so it should be good, despite the end of the semester crunch... where i have more to do than time to do it... oh well.... YAY FOR COKE :)


Anonymous said...

you suck...well not really...but i want to go to jazz fest too. if he is there and he probably will be, you should check out this guy named Marc Broussard. he's one of my favorites and he is usally there every year. Have fun and happy early birthday!!!

M said...

Yay for Jazzfest. That reminds me to ask the roomy about buying tickets.

Crystal said...

I am way jealous...especially about Cowboy Mouth and Ani...I went to two Cowboy Mouth shows at HOB in MB.
Have fun!!

JIK said...

I will, there will be tons of pics i promis :)