Estuaris stupidity....
So... this morning in estuaries, Ingrid looks at me and Moojoon and says, we should each write our own paper... we have the option as doing our final report/presentation on our field work together or individually... I honeslty dont care which we do... doing it on my own whill honestly be easier than working with them... so we decide that we will each send everyone else our methods and data for our individual part of the report. So i send out all my data, and about 6 hours later I get there data. I then get an e-mail from them saying we should get together on thursday to go over the data with eachother... Why would I want to do this, we are going to get together so I can explain data to you that you dont understand, so that you can write your report well. I dont think so, that is a total waste of my time, and then we are all going to have the exact same interpretation of the data... I am not helping you get a good grade.... Sorry.... so I email them back saying, "If we are going to write individual lab reports, then getting together to talk about the data would be a waste of time" I get an email back saying "well we are going to meet, and it wont be a waste of our time".... Then Moojoon comes into my office (I think he was sent by ingrid, cause this didnt sound like him at all)... and says well we should do one presentation... Yet again, why would I do this... It would take more time to each write our own report and then get together and compile shit and put together a presentation... I say either we each do our own paper and presentation or we do it all together, and I dont care which... My time is greatly limited, so pick one and ill do it, but im not waisting my time... Cause as I write my report I am gonna be making the presentation... its easier that way... make a graph put it in both... So then I get Ingrid's data sent to me with no standard deviations... you always have these... so i email her back and she says my standard deviations are 0.0000 for every one, i am good... now mind you I saw her working in the lab, she is so sloppy and didnt measure volumes correctly or shake bottles well enough so there is no way in hell each replicate was identical to the previous ones plus the machine she used is not that accurate either... So i go to her and say thats not right... and what not, she says "well i was kidding" no thats not true, i just called her on it... her standard deviations are so horrible that pretty much all her data is useless, so she didnt want to look bad so she just lied and said it was zero.... WTF... she is a PhD student and she is fudging data, i know its for class but still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so not cool!!!!!!
So she starts talking and says "i forgot about the presentation, and we should do that together" so i repeat what i had said earlier, that either we do everything seprately or do everything together... she says ok, that we should probably do it together... and then is like we can meet tomorrow to start working on it... mind you I have another class plus I ta so i got shit to do... so basically the only time i can meet is wed morning from 8-10am, thursday morning from 8-11 am anytime on saturday and monday from 8am-12 and 5p,m-? ... now mind you those 8am's can be alot earlier, but they wont like that... Ingrid looks at me and says well since we worked last saturday I cant work this saturday either... WTF... you dont have anything planned you just dont want to work??? that is crap... and then she tries to give me a hard time about my schedule... and I am like I have class/have to teach so I cant change my schedule, and sunday is my birthday so i dont care, im taking sunday off!!!!!!! ... especially if im gonna work on it all day saturday....... So apparently we are working tomorrow morning at 9... apparently before that is to early... such crap and tomorrow after my class... and thursday morning... I am not looking forward to it cause honestly it would be easier if i do it myself... but i dont wanna be too difficult... whats gonna make this even harder is tha tingrid doesnt like things if they are not exactly her words... even though her english isnt always that great... so my plan is let her write the damn thing and as that is done make the powerpoint presentation... which is best if i do because she gets animation happy... and the presentation ends up being uber long because of that and usually looks unperfessional and just bad.... Ahh stress is fun.........................................
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Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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