
I just dont understand........

So on Thursday, Becky and I were giving a prospective student a tour of apartments in the area... She was staying in the town to the east of Stennis, so we showed her the towns to the north and west of stennis... aka... Picayune and Slidell. So as we were driving around in Picayune, she asked if we knew if there are any catholic churches around... I said, yah there are a few, mostly Baptist (we are in the deep south, and they prevail)... Her response was "well i cant live here, I dont like Baptists"...... WTF... the differences between the different churches like that are so small....... and isnt religion supposed to teach you to love and respect all humans regardless of what religion they are............. Her reaction is one of the many reasons why I do not dig religion.......... and is the reason for much of the troubles in the world..... We are all humans, isnt that enought??

Oh and over dinner I made sure to bring up "balls" tattoo... hehe she gave me an evil look :)

1 comment:

M said...

She sounds like a real winner.