
Amanda is Coming, Amanda is Coming

it is like the brittish are coming ... but only better :)... oh and the great Uli (the puppy) is coming to ;)... yay... this weekend is giong to rock... YAY Amanda and Uli...

So after that great note.... So we went sampling for estuaries yesturday.... So there are three of us in the class, a korean who is 34, a columbian who is 35 and me the 23 year old... Youl would think of the three of us I would be the least responsible... They are both PhD students and have had lots and lots of experience out in the field... So you would think they wouldknow how to get ready for a field excursion and would know what to bring... WELL Apparently they know shit!... so we were gonna get ready on wed the day before we left... I was the only one who knew what was going on, we cleaned all the sample bottles, and they were like ok, we are done... wait we still had to get the sampling bottle, the secchi disc (i never spell that right) mark 1/2 meter intervals on it, and clean and prepare any lab equipment for the next day (for when we get back)... they oh ok... The columbian was supposed to go to her advisor and get the disc and sampling bottle... and put them in the lab, so that way i could later in the day mark them.... So later that day, i go into the lab (mind you she is long gone) and they are not there... and no one else is around, and i do not have a key for that lab... so the next morning i had to come in early to get them and mark them... needless to say this pissed me off, dont tell me you are going to do something and then dont... and make it so i have to do it and not even apologize... i then got the ice and coolers together and put everything together... The korean arrived on time and we started to load up the boat, she did not arrie till after the boat was all set up and ready to go... she just showes up... then out on the water... neither of them bring water to drink (sorry im not sharing mine, if you have been out in the field you know to bring water... your mistake dont look at me)... the columbian brings spaghetti for lunch but no spoon, and doesnt understand why i dont have something she can use .... then when we are sampling, i am the only one who brought paper, markers, pens, sunscreen, bugspray, watch.... whenever you go out into the field you always take sharpy !!!! and something to write on... So basically if i hadnt packed everything and done everything... they would have just showed up and we wouldnt have been able to do anything.... PEOPLE come on now.... I am tired of always being the responsible one, its cool when CB and I go out, i am her grad student, its my job to do all that and make sure we have everything and anything we may need... but this was a class trip, therefore others should have been envolved as well!!!!!!!!!! Why can't people be responsible for themselves???? It just pisses me off!!!!!!!!!! That is why I usually just rather do everything on my own... dont have to deal with that sort of crap that way...


1 comment:

jkirlin said...

You are like MacGuyver!!

Oh wait..no..he made bombs and stuff out of ordinary items, he didn't remember the bring them when everyone else forgot.

These are great photos though, Jenny. Nice posts. And I love how you rant. :)