
Fish Tank :) = great birthday present :)

For my birthday, Amanda baught me a 20gal aquarium kit :)... YAY... My last fishtank, needless to say was washed away, anyhoo... So I am in the process of setting it up. I have a few plants and I am going to get another "fake rock" probably a bit bigger than the one in there now. And i got three little fish (they are in the pics, but a bit hard to see), they are nameless as of now... any suggestions. And I am thinking of maybe putting some Angle fish and possibly some Kissing fish (they fight by kissing, totally cute). Im not sure though. Im gonna go to petsmart after payday, so we will see what they have when i get there. So yay:)... new fishies :)... I can't wait till i move to a place and find an apt/house that i am actually going to live in for more than a year (since I moved away for college, I have moved every year)... I want to get a big tank with another Oscar, they do have some of the best personalities of any fish... but a bit to big to move and to have here :(... oh well another time and place.


M said...

hooray! what kind of fish did you get?

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.