
blah blah blah........

so today was a blah kind of day... Split and counted two samples, the first sample only had 8 forams in it and the second sample only had 2 forams in it :( very dissapointing. I need to count a minimum of 150 if the species in the sample are not diverse (aka 1 species = 50% or more of those counted) or a minimum of 300 species if the sample is diverse (aka no species = 50% or more)... so if i do the math right... i would have to count 19 trays of the 8 foram sample to get 150-- appriximately 9 hours of work and, the other one... if i counted the entire sample, i would have around 50 forams... aka im not counting anymore... Unless it ends up being an important section of my core, which i wont know till i count outher samples from the core and do the sedient analysis.... So for now im done... I hope tomorrow is better and I actually see some of those buggers. It sucks spending the time to split and look through it to find nothing... oh well. :( i will find some eventually


busy busy busy bee..........

so............. life has been insane... trying to figure out some methods for my sediment samples, gotta remove tons of organic matter with out affecting the clays any -- much easier said than done, so currently going through journals to see if anyone has done anything with this... if not ill be figuring it out myself (that itself could be a thesis :(....)...friday went out in the field to survey, only got two sites done, have two more to do... have no idea when the scheduling will work out for that !!!!! arg... people/tides/boat are hard to get in sync....saturday went to CPR fest! it freaking rocked... missed amanda, concernts are just not the same when you are with people who dont know how to behave in a pit... and of course gotta miss the "red head" comments :D -- sunday stayed in bed with a good book (aka... a book on forams) while it downpoured all day... today, spend a good part of the day getting travel arrangements and things worked out so i can go to my friend's wedding in November. did more journal searching... will be doing alot of that the next couple of weeks, or until i figure this damn thing out....... I am so excited, i am actually going to be in the lab tomorrow :)... its seems like so long ago since i was in there last.... i am going the deepest sample of one of my cores, so i will know what time frame my cores went to YAY :)................so busy busy busy.............................



so, one of the new chinese students this morning informed me (on our way to the DMV to get him a lerners permit) that in china it is not wise for women to get a PhD... so of course i asked why, he said because no one would marry them... and that if you are already marreid and its ok with your husband, then you can get a PhD... but it is not wise to do so without one... So apparently the chinese men like their women uneducated.... and me being well me, of course wanted to take offence to this, but realized he was just making random conversation in the car... so i let it slide... but i wanted to be like "what the hell did you mean by that!!!!!!!!!!!!" ahh... fun fun... oh and he did sucessfully pass the test and get his learners!




so did you hear about the guy (Dean Karnazes) who is running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days...he is referred to as the ultramarathon man :)... i passed him on the way to work today... he ran a marathon in waveland... on 90 starting/ending at the stennis space center visitors center... so as i passed, i did what any good american would do... honk and wave :)... mind you system of a down was blaring... so i might have scared as well... oh well.... hes pretty nice to look at... contemplated turning around and doing another drive by... but the next turn around wasnt till the gate... and they already give me funny looks without me turning around up there and then coming back and going through the gate 10 min later...


Mississippi Coastal Cleanup 2006

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this was beach blvd... and eventually will be again

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had to get one with me in it....

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becky's dad hard at work

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beach blvd

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construction to rebuild the 90 bridge out of the bay

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that square thing used to be part of a public pier

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becky doesnt like her pic being taken

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the group

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the trash bags left a new tattoo on alli

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