blah blah blah........
so today was a blah kind of day... Split and counted two samples, the first sample only had 8 forams in it and the second sample only had 2 forams in it :( very dissapointing. I need to count a minimum of 150 if the species in the sample are not diverse (aka 1 species = 50% or more of those counted) or a minimum of 300 species if the sample is diverse (aka no species = 50% or more)... so if i do the math right... i would have to count 19 trays of the 8 foram sample to get 150-- appriximately 9 hours of work and, the other one... if i counted the entire sample, i would have around 50 forams... aka im not counting anymore... Unless it ends up being an important section of my core, which i wont know till i count outher samples from the core and do the sedient analysis.... So for now im done... I hope tomorrow is better and I actually see some of those buggers. It sucks spending the time to split and look through it to find nothing... oh well. :( i will find some eventually