This is a worm I found while sampling a diver core from the Gulf of Mexico -- pretty cool hu
We have not been able to identify it, so if you know what it is -- please let me know !!
Posted by JIK at 6/23/2005 12:24:00 PM 0 comments
Field Trip!!!!!!!!
This is the lab trip to the Pearl River marsh, La. It was for Geological Oceanography. It was an interesting group, some had never been to the marsh before, and others prefered not to get dirty -- well that could not be avoided :)
This is us on our way out to the marsh
Taking sediment cores for foraminiferal identification
Sampling the sediment
Moojoon giving surveying a try
Erik teaching the class how to survey
Here is the group of us with Charlotte
Here is the group of us with erik
The class hanging on Charlotte's every word
Erik driving the boat
Learning to use the refractometer
This just looks funny
Here i am taking a sample from the mudflat, gee these waiders came in handy
Posted by JIK at 6/14/2005 05:40:00 PM 0 comments