
I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

yet again... not like that... i have a date to meet with my comitte to officially sign off on my prospectus... its the 28th... it would be next week, but mark (one of my comittee members) has "emergency field work" next week... so yay... now i have this week to add some stuff to it and give it to cb for one more read over this weekend, and then i can give all a final copy :)... yay... he is also coming to look at my cores, i found this odd blue stuff that no one here knows what it is... maybe he will have a clue, i hope so... if not its either going in the mass spec or under a SEM scope so we can figure out what its made of :)... yay for interesting random blue stuff!


M said...

it's very pretty blue stuff!

Anonymous said...

What scale am I looking at for the pretty blue stuff? And is it organic or mineral or unknown at this time?